Tiger Rock Martial Arts is a progressive martial art, rooted deeply in Korean Taekwondo ancestral teachings but ever evolving. Taekwondo, a portmanteau of three Korean words – tae (“foot”), kwon (“hand”), and do (“way”), is a Korean martialart developed in the years following World War II. Taekwondo takes from various ancient Korean and Chinese traditions, as well as the Okinawan tradition of karate. It is one of the world’s most popular martial arts, and it is the core form of martial arts taught at all Tiger-Rock Martial Arts academies.
Tiger‐Rock Martial Arts is known as Ho‐Am Taekwondo. This name symbolizes the spirit, values, and vision of Tiger‐Rock Martial Arts. The word ho means ‘tiger’ in Korean language and the word am means ‘rock’ in Korean. The Tiger symbolizes justice and bravery, and the Rock symbolizes the steadfast and immovable life spirit of the Korean and Western civilizations. Tiger‐Rock believes that the success of Ho‐Am Taekwondo comes from honoring cultural heritage and philosophies from both Eastern and Western communities.
A typical Tiger Rock Martial Arts lesson will include kicking drills, striking drills, and speed targets. These drills will help you improve your motor skills and flexibility. Because of its physical nature, we often combine Taekwondo drills with other martial arts calisthenics exercises and other strength and conditioning drills to provide for a complete workout. These exercises and strengthening drills help boost your ability as you advance further in your martial arts training. Taekwondo offers enormous physical fitness benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, boosted athletic ability, and improved balance and coordination.
Our martial arts practice, however, is far more than just kicking and striking; honor, humility, perseverance, respect, and loyalty are some of the key tenets of Taekwondo and our Tiger-Rock system. Taekwondo emphasizes good citizenship, a calm mind, and self-discipline.
Throughout the years, Taekwondo has also developed into a competitive sport. At Tiger-Rock Martial Arts, we hold tournaments at the local, regional, and national levels throughout the United States. These tournaments represent competitive and learning opportunities. At Tiger-Rock Martial Arts, we encourage students (but we do not require) to enrich their Taekwondo training experience through the spirit of competition.